NW Vandals Win 14A State Championship

By Jeremy McDonald jeremymcdonald73@gmail.com MEDFORD, Ore.–  They came out with a passion and fire in the winner-take-all 14A State Championship game against Bat Company Thiry, NW Vandals wanted revenge for BC squeaking by them 2-1 about 20, 25 minutes earlier as they lined up on the hot turf at US Cellular Fields one last time…

NW Bullets Finish 3rd In 14U State In Medford

By Jeremy McDonald jermeymcdonald73@gmail.com MEDFORD, Ore.–  It wasn’t how the NW Bullets 14U wanted to end the 14U ‘A’ State Championships Sunday afternoon at US Cellular Parks in South Medford against the Bat Company Thiry squad in the semi-final game of the bracket. On Saturday when the two teams met, the Bullets tallied seven hits…